In This Issue
Did You Know? On the RCI 2950 in memory channel mode there is a way to transfer the memory channel frequency into the manual mode. Many of you know that when on a memory channel you can't change the frequency with the cursor and up/down buttons. This can only be done in the manual mode. Once you press the manual button the radio changes from that memory frequency to the last frequency used in the manual mode. This is inconvenient if you only want to move 5 or 1OKhz from where you were. Well, it's not listed in the operators manual, but all you need do is press scan before manual and this will transfer the memory frequency into manual and operate the radio as usual. If you have a friend with a RCI 2950, 2970, 2980, or 2990 pass the information on and tell them where you got it. © CBWI
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