In This Issue
Editor's Note Some of you may think the information presented in this publication is too technical and might be over your head. The intent, as our name implies, is to inform everyone. The material may go into more detail than some of you need but others may have a better technical understanding and have a use for this information. This includes the product reviews which are the old fashioned type where the good, not so good and bad points of a product are exposed, from both an end user and technical point of view. One thing you won't find in this publication is misinformation to appease advertisers. Goal #1 is to inform the readers with the truth. Anything less wouldn't be worth while writing or reading. Only honesty serves public and industry interests best. If this is correct CB World Informer circulation will grow and that too will benefit us all. The more information s lied the easier it is for you the reader to make up your own mind. If the technical information was eliminated, it would only water down this publication. Absorb what you understand and save your issues for future reference. They will come in handy as articles will refer to previously covered information from time to time. It may be a silly dream, but I hope to see the day we send out the first full color glossy covered Issue of CB World Informer magazine. A larger, more refined high resolution photos and print quality version of the newsletter with a wider spectrum of complete coverage is what I have in mind. I hope it will be, as our slogan adopted in 1990 stated, "WHERE THE CITIZENS BAND." The holiday season is just around the comer, consider giving a CB World Informer subscription as gift for your radio friends. My thanks go out to all of you that are spreading the news about this new publication. It has helped with increased subscriptions. Keep up the good work. Word of mouth does work best. If you have any questions you would like answered, suggestions on what you would like covered or reviewed send us a post card or fax. I can't guaranty that we'll do every one but we'll do what space and time permit. © CBWI
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